The Seabreeze Beacon

Winnie, We Have a Problem …


Winnie, We Have a Problem …

Lack of Accountability

By Gloria Way

  Please read the bottom of page 21 of East Chambers Student Code of Conduct 2024-2025 School Year… Discretionary Placement: Misconduct That May Result in Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) Placement. A student may be placed in a DAEP for behaviors prohibited in the General Conduct Violations section of this code. Misconduct Identified in State Law includes criminal mischief, not punishable as a felony. Is a threat and a call for action to assassinate the President of the United States not considered criminal mischief? Or, is assault (no bodily injury) with threat of imminent bodily injury not considered criminal?

  These are examples on page 21 and 22 of the Code of Conduct.  It clearly states that a student may be placed in DAEP … “may” which means it is discretionary, and the school administration determines if a student is placed in DAEP. Because the student is still in school and actively participating in extra-curricular activities, does this mean that the ECISD administration feels that when a student calls for the murder of someone (just so happens to be the President of the United States) on social media, it is not considered “criminal mischief” or a “threat of imminent bodily harm”? Please explain that to the community.

  ECISD held a regular board meeting this past Monday evening. It was anticipated that dozens of angry parents who demanded answers from the administration would be in attendance. No one showed up which proves that the administration does not have to respond or answer to the community because no one shows up to question the inaction of the administration in responding to the obviously criminal behavior of one of its students.

  Stowell resident Hazel Meaux did show up to deliver a statement during public comments. Meaux made several comments that need to be addressed by ECISD administration. (1) “Why is the student allowed to represent ECISD in UIL State-Qualifying Events? Is this the type of student you want representing ECISD?”

  Meaux continued, “Parent, students, faculty members are afraid to express their fears to the principal or superintendent because of future retaliation against their child or their job. This is what has happened in the past too many times.”

  And, most importantly, Meaux questioned, “So, on graduation day, is this student going to be a proud graduate of East Chambers High School Class of 2025? To me, this cheapens the diploma for the good students. This associates them with her for the rest of their lives.

   And, that is not just on social media.”

To watch the public comments from the East Chambers ISD Regular Board Meeting held on Monday, February 10th, click the link:

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