Crowd Gathers for Nolan George Benefit

By Gloria Way

How can one describe Nolan George? George is a true public servant who has been a huge part of the Winnie-Stowell Emergency Medical Services for close to 30 years. George has been an EMT volunteer who has helped save countess lives during natural disasters and horrendous vehicle mishaps on our roads and highways. And all the thousands of hours and numerous sleepless nights, George has performed these duties as a volunteer. If anyone in this community needed assistance, George would be there ready and willing to assist.
George is also a master mechanic. He spends hours each day working on farm equipment throughout the county. If you are having issues with a piece of farm equipment, George is your “go to” guy.
George had open heart surgery last month … six bypasses were performed. Less than two weeks later, his beloved wife Mary passed away. This has been an extremely difficult time for George. Numerous people wanted to assist him with the medical bills and funeral expenses for Mary. Being a humble man, he initially refused assistance, but he was told that “you have spent your whole life helping people in this community. Now it is time for us to say “thank you” by having a benefit.”
Over 400 people attended the benefit held at Charlie’s Bay & Grill on Saturday. They were treated to delicious barbecue chicken with all the fixings. There was a bake sale as well as a cake walk and a silent auction. The live auction became very competitive with bids going back and forth from anxious buyers.
All in all, it was a huge success! Nolan, speedy recovery!

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