The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts July 17, 2024


  Jeremiah 18 has the well known story of being sent to a potter’s house where a potter finds a flaw in his clay so he stops making his planned item and changes to make anotherSea vessel. God asks “Can I not do with you what this potter has done?” His point is that God can change His plans if He desires to. If we have chosen to disobey Him and in response God plans to bring correction or punishment, if we repent and change, can’t God decide to bless or honor us instead? Certainly! If God has plans based on His response to our obedience to bless us, can’t He change His plans if we change our actions? Yes! God is not being unfaithful or fickle, only dealing with us appropriately. We try to make God into a simple being that is locked into ruts that once chosen, He is stuck in. We try to believe that there is nothing we can do to help matters if we make a mess or God has to overlook our unfaithfulness if we have done other good things. There might be some elements that we will miss out on because we did a wrong, but there are also always multiple ways God can still bless us and reward us if we repent and get back on His side. God is always better than we can imagine. God is good, in multiple ways, even when we are bad.

This week's The Seabreeze Beacon

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