The Seabreeze Beacon

East Chambers ISD Board Meeting November 11th, 2024

The ECISD Board of Trustees recognized Taylor Wilcox for his 12 years of service as a board member at tonight’s regular board meeting. Pictured: Board President, Scott Jones and Board Secretary, Taylor Wilcox


By Max Roemer

The East Chambers Independent School District (ECISD) Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on November 11 beginning at 6pm in the ECISD administration building located at 216 Champions Loop, Winnie, TX 77665.

The ECISD regular meeting commenced and began with the Pledge of Allegation and followed by the Texas Pledge of Allegations. Andrea Smith is oversighting the District Safety Committee and will be reviewing emergency plans campus wide.

The District has a daycare center that currently has 5 infants and 2 toddlers and only 4 employees.. In short, the District is in need for more daycare staff. Since there must be 2 adults at all times in the infant room they are having a hard time having lunch. The District is adding approximately $13 a day to pay for missing their lunch hour.

The students have been treated to a new breakfast and lunch menus and it has been wildl. An ECISD staff member even added that the students love it so much that they want to go through the lunch line twice.

The total enrollment of students at ECISD is 1,558. The high school has an enrollment of 448 students.  ECISD currently has a balance around $8.3 million. $978,000 from the bond and $106,000 was drawn, too.

Barbara Bush’s book was approved to be in the library. 300 panic buttons have arrived . The District will be ordering 1 or more brand new Chevrolet Suburbans at over $60,000 piece. The District will sell the older 4 Suburbans.

The District wishes for a new marque on SH 124 and to move the current one for Buccaneer and the north end of the campus.

The meeting adjourned and the next regular meeting  of the ECISD will be on December 9.

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