The Seabreeze Beacon

What You Can Get for $56Million


Only $4Million for Drainage

By Gloria Way

  Chambers County Commissioners Court voted unanimously for a “Resolution authorizing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligations (CO)” in the amount of $56Million last week during a regular meeting on July 23, 2024. The CO is for 40 years at 4.5+%. It must be noted that the list of purchases/expenses is not set in stone which means that it can be changed or altered anytime within the next 40 years as long as the change fits in the vague category of construction and/or improvements, etc.

  Here are several of the major improvements costs that are being considered for purchase as of 7/23/24:

  • $2,237,964.40 for vehicles. This includes new vehicles/trucks for JP 5, Parks, R&B, Sheriff, Solid Waste, and Technology.
  • $6,175,465.65 for park improvements. This includes $1M for turf infields in McLeod Park and $1M for turf infields for Jim Silva Sports Complex. It also includes $800,000 for soccer field goals w/restrooms and concessions in Winnie-Stowell Park. $300,000 for pickleball courts/parking in Pct. 4, and McCollum Park will receive a $200,000 for a boat ramp. Jim Silva Sports Complex and Yale Devillier Sports Complex will both receive batting cages for $82,557.91 each.

  Arenas in Winne-Stowell Park and White’s Park will receive new fans and all sport complexes in the county will receive camera systems. Every park in the county will receive some sort of upgrades ranging from picnic tables, basketball courts, shade structures, pavilions, and walking trails. Again, the total amount for park improvements is $6,175,465.65.

  • $1,307,650.00 for equipment. This is primarily mobile generators for numerous county facilities.
  • $1,158,000.00 for equipment that includes a dozer, Gradall, slope mower, and wheel loader.
  • $6,617,354.00 for additional improvements which includes $3,100,000.00 for upgrading the county’s golf course greens, $1,600,000.00 for new county fueling station, and $800,000.00 for Project Hazel Court (road project). Also included are several roofing maintenance projects for various community buildings.
  • $7,800,000.00 for buildings. The east annex will be remodeled at $4,000,000.00; the American Legion Hall at Fort Anahuac Park will be remodeled for $2,000,000.00 and the sheriff’s office will build a firing range for $1,800,000.00.
  • $30,000,000.00 for infrastructure projects which include $26,000,000.00 for Chambers Parkway on the west side of the county and a grand total of $4,000,000.00 for drainage.

  The total sum is $55,296,434.05.

  The county chose not to hold budget hearings this summer for reasons unknown. If the public was aware that the county was adding $56Million in debt for “infrastructure and quality of life” projects, as stated by County Judge Sylvia, the court should have considered that the public would have wanted to make suggestions on the quality of life projects. It is good policy to allow public input. Hopefully, next time.

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