The Seabreeze Beacon

$56,000,000 for What?


By Gloria Way

  I was taken totally by surprise when I reviewed Chambers County Commissioners Court agenda for Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Item 2.1 read “discuss and consider approving a Resolution authorizing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certifications of Obligations”. Certifications of Obligations, or CO, is debt that can be incurred by the court without a public vote. Cleverly, the agenda item did not state the amount of the CO. You had to download the packet that goes with the agenda item to see the details. The amount is for $56,000,000… a 40 year note at 4.5+% interest.

  If you continue to read the packet, there is no specific information on how the $56,000,000 is to be used. Three years ago, when the court passed the $49,000,000 CO, the court specified the money was for baseball parks and road and bridge projects. The county held several town hall meetings to explain how the money would be spent and the estimated costs of the baseball park projects and road and bridge projects. Discussion ensued for months discussing the costs of baseball parks and road projects.

  So, again, it was quite a shock to see this item on the agenda without explanation. Apparently, the use of the Cos can be vague if the funds are used for constructing, renovating, improving, equipping facilities used by the county. Cos can be used for drainage and flood control improvements, parking lots attached to county facilities, the golf course renovations, solid waste, fleet vehicles, and the payment of professional services and cost of issuance “thereof”. This means that the $56,000,000 can be used for any “pet” projects that can be classified in anything mentioned above.

  The question must be asked if these funds would be used to acquire the five acres being condemned to make way for a new parking lot for the baseball complex in Winnie? Are these funds going towards paying for the “supplemental” invoices for the new jail/justice center? Are these funds going to pay for the estimated $10,000,000 EMS building? A grant is paying for the first $5,000,000, but what about the remainder?

  You can’t put an item on the agenda to “discuss” $56,000,000 in new debt without first presenting the specifics of why you are burdening the taxpayer with this new debt.

  Our county leadership has lost sight of what is crucial between a government and its people … it is trust, honesty, and transparency.  This court has none. 

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