The Seabreeze Beacon

Update: Legislative Session is Underway

Fellow Texan,

On January 14th, the Texas Legislature began the 89th Regular Session. Over the next 140 days, the Texas Legislature will address many important issues facing Texans including property tax relief, school choice, border security, rising cost of insurance, and many more. As we approach the start of the 89th Regular Session, I want to highlight a few priorities I plan to lead the charge on as your senator.

Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying Ban: SB 239

This first bill I file every session is the ban on taxpayer-funded lobbying. Taxpayer-funded lobbying is when your tax dollars are used to hire registered lobbyists in Austin. Voters elect their local and state officials to represent them directly and not some Austin lobbyist middleman. Taxpayer-funded lobbyists corrupt this by using your own tax dollars to lobby against you and your values. Nearly $70 million per year is spent on taxpayer-funded lobbying that advocate against:

  • Border security 
  • Election integrity
  • Parental choice in education 
  • Teacher pay raises 
  • Property tax relief and reform

Taxpayer-funded lobbyists shockingly oppose the ban on men in girl’s locker rooms and showers, and they even invited transgender advocates to train school board members on how to use pronouns. It is time for this unethical practice to end.

Texas Women’s Privacy Act: SB 240

My first session in the Texas Senate, I authored and passed the Save Womens’ Sports Act, which stops men from unfairly competing against women in college sports. Generations of women have fought hard for the opportunity to compete, and that was going to be stolen from them, until we took a strong stand in Texas to permanently kick men out of women’s sports. 

After the results of this recent election, Texans have made their mandate clear: to stop the woke, leftist ideology that can’t even answer the question: what is a woman? The extreme radical policies of the left are why we have seen such a massive shift in this country towards President Trump and a return to common sense policy.

Prayer in Public Schools: SB 380

The goal of this bill is to promote freedom of religion for teachers and students in the place where they spend most of their time—school. Litigious atheists are no longer going to get to decide for everyone else if students and educators exercise their religious liberties during school hours. This bill will allow a student, with parental consent, to opt into a period of prayer, Bible reading, or other religious texts. Our schools are not God free zones. President Trump has made restoring prayer in public schools a top priority, and I look forward to passing this bill this session.

While these represent just a few of the policies I am fighting for, there are many others that I will continue to work hard to pass including, property tax relief, border security, tough-on-crime reforms, school choice, insurance reform, teacher pay raises, and many more.


Today, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick appointed me to the following committees:

  • Local Government–Vice Chair 
  • Administration
  • Business and Commerce 
  • K-16 Education 
  • Jurisprudence 
  • State Affairs

Thank you to Lt. Governor Patrick for appointing me to these important committees that will advance common sense conservative policies.

It is an honor to serve as your state senator and to fight for our community in your Texas Capitol.

God Bless Texas,

Mayes Middleton

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