The Seabreeze Beacon

Local Bands Advance to Area Marching Contest

Congratulations to the East Chambers Buccaneer Band! They earned Sweepstakes, superior first division ratings from all three judges, at the UIL Region10 Marching Contest this past Saturday, held at PNG. They will compete this Saturday in Whitehouse, TX at the UIL 3A Area C Marching Contest. The band directors would like to thank all of the band’s supporters.


Congratulations to the PRIDE of Anahuac Marching Band! They received superior first division ratings from all three judges at the UIL Region 10 Marching Contest this past Saturday, held at PNG. They will compete this Saturday in Whitehouse, TX at the UIL 3A Area C Marching Contest. The band directors would like to thank all of the band’s supporters.


Congratulations to the Barbers Hill Soaring Eagle Marching Band! They received superior first division ratings from at the UIL Region Marching Contest this past Saturday. They will compete this Saturday in Channelview, TX at the UIL 5A Area E Marching Contest. The band directors would like to thank all of the band’s supporters.


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