The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts September 18, 2024


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? James 2 says to not be too pleased with yourself if you do, as “the demons believe and even tremble”. He is arguing that we are saved by believing in Jesus, but not just any old belief. How do we know if our faith is saving faith? What does your faith in Christ make you do? Do you act like a Christ follower, or do you basically do what you feel like doing, whether Jesus approves or not? If your faith in Christ does not make you do things that you don’t want to do but you do them because Christ wants them done, you aren’t a Christian. I am not saying you always do the right thing perfectly and never sin; no, we do. But there should be work/actions that show up in our life that the only reason we do them is Jesus wants it done, and He is our Lord so we do them. Where does His Lordship appear? That’s the only way we know if we are genuine.

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