The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts July 24, 2024


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

   I was raised attending a Baptist church and the idea of the Trinity (God is 1 but with 3 parts) was something I was familiar with but I never really thought it through, so in my early adulthood I struggled with the idea that Jesus was God. I knew it was true, but it was not rational, but of course, God does not have to fit in with our thinking. He just is. John 5 gives us Jesus’s argument that the reason the religious leaders had a problem with Him was they couldn’t allow themselves to believe He is God. They considered it blasphemy for Him to act as if He was God (Lord of the Sabbath. The Son of God). He is. It helps me to emphasize it, to not allow myself to limp along trying to fix Jesus. He is what He is. He understands us but we don’t easily understand Him. He is more than a human. Hear Him and believe.

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