By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell
Have you ever gotten mad at God? It’s a foolish thing to do but I do it occasionally. It generally happens when we think we are right and God doesn’t agree. We need to remember that God is never wrong, but we can be and are regularly. We ought to be surprised that we ever are, but no, we decide that God is wrong and we are right and it makes us angry that God doesn’t amen what we think. Luke 2 gives us the story of Jesus at age 12 staying behind when His parents headed home from attending a Passover in Jerusalem. Somehow they presumed He was with them, but at the end of the first day travelling they realise He wasn’t with them. It took them 3 days but they found Him. He was dialoguing with the Jewish teachers. Mary: “Son, why have You treated us so? We have been searching for you with great distress!” Jesus: “Why did you search for Me? Didn’t you know I had to be about My Father’s business?” Somehow, they (and often us) had forgotten who Jesus is. He’s God. God may surprise us and do unexpected things, and when He does, we need to smile and let Him do the perfect thing, even if it bothers us. Let God be God. We can trust Him.