The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts, February 26, 2025


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

Ignaz Semmelweiz, a doctor in 1848 Vienna figured out that washing of hands between treating patients cut the spread of disease greatly. He didn’t know about germs as they are too small to see but he published his ideas and was laughed out of practicing medicine. Today we know he was right. When Jesus began his ministry one of His first acts was casting out demons. I think we often ignore them even though most people believe in the spirit world. We can’t see them and are ignorant of their effects, so we just deal with the seen. Do some people overreact to the fact that demons are real? Of course. We don’t want to invent them or exaggerate them, but I implore you, don’t ignore their reality. They can’t make you do things, but they can encourage you to pursue the sins you choose. Judas did not betray Jesus because Satan controlled him. He already had decided to do it, so Satan entered an open door to join in. Ephesians 6 tells us about us being in spiritual warfare and the importance of having on our spiritual armor. Believing the Word of God allows us to know what is really going on in our life.

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