By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell
Christmas is fast approaching carrying with it the need to give and receive gifts and that can be frustrating. Of course getting a gift that you recognize as useful and attractive is wonderful, but for most of us, rare. We recognize this from gifts received plus from attempting to purchase wonderful presents for others. Ouch! It’s not easy, even impossible. It is something that God is passionate about and excellent at. The new testament holds forth the good news, amazing information that everyone needs and that can only be acquired from God. He likes to give us what we need and desire, even if it’s difficult to recognize as the perfect gift. In a lot of the chapters in the 60’s of Isaiah, God shares with us that He’s going to make everything what it should be. I have been a believer in Jesus Christ for many years and find it true, delightful, and encouraging, but also frustrating. I need to realize God’s not finished. I still feel the sting of past sins I or others have done, plus temptations I am amazed I still am attracted to. God promises that soon He will finish. Let us trust Him. He keeps His promises. Perfection awaits.