The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts – December 11, 2024


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

We are in the season of believing. Not just any and everything but that God is on His throne and is doing wonderful things through Jesus Christ who’s 1st coming we celebrate during the Christmas season. The 1st story we encounter of the Christmas story is about John the Baptist’s miraculous conception (Luke 1). His father Zechariah was so shocked to be dealing with the angel Gabriel that he didn’t believe so he couldn’t speak until John was born. Zechariah was a believer as he was righteous and blameless, but somewhere he had stopped believing. He did not have confidence in God. He was a priest but he was just going through the motions. If you believe then stop, what happens to you? Maybe it reveals that you never have really believed, and need to become saved, a believer. Or if you were a believer you miss out on what God is doing. You are still saved but it’s no fun. God graciously dealt with Zechariah and he received a son who foretold the coming of the messiah Jesus. Don’t miss what God is doing: Believe!

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