The Seabreeze Beacon

Americans Can’t Afford the Democrat Agenda






Visiting with BAHEP’s Military Affairs Committee

Earlier last week, I met with the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership’s (BAHEP) Military Affairs Committee to discuss Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base and how we can continue to support the needs of the brave men and women serving there.

To enlarge photos, please click here.

Hamas Filmed Six Hostages Before Executions

Hamas brutally murdered hostages because they are savage terrorists – end of story.

These animals deserve every ounce of fury Israel can inflict.

To read article, please click here.

The CCP Is Infiltrating America

 “A former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government…”

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is infiltrating America like a deep-rooted cancer.

It must be removed.

To read article, please click here.

Speaking to the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston

The partnership between the United States and India is critically important and mutually prosperous.

Thank you to the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston (IACCGH) for inviting me to their “Power Dialogue” luncheon at Noon Mirch in Clear Lake.

We discussed this crucial alliance and how the IACCGH has facilitated commerce between our two countries for the past 25 years!

To enlarge photos, please click here.

Insane Logic

 “Two suspected Tren de Aragua gang members and Venezuelan nationals have been released from custody on $1,000 bond…”

The Left’s insane logic strikes again.

To read article, please click here.

The August Jobs Report Missed Expectations

“U.S. economy added 142,000 jobs in August, missing expectations…”

The Biden-Harris administration will continue to fall short since it would rather decimate the economy with Green New Deal policies than help it with common-sense solutions.

To read article, please click here.

The DOJ Accuses Russia of Using State Media to Influence U.S. Elections

Biden’s DOJ is a crooked entity seeking to take down Harris’ political opponents while the Left pushes for illegals to vote.

Americans are much more concerned about Democrats destroying our election system than Russia.

To read article, please click here.

NYC Is Paying Illegals Thousands for Housing

“New York City launched a pilot program to help migrants transition out of city shelters by providing them with $4,000 for permanent housing…”

You don’t pay someone to stay unless you WANT them to stay.

The U.S. citizens living in the Big Apple should be outraged at this Democrat lunacy.

To read article, please click here.

Meta Board Rules Anti-Israel Slogan “From the River to the Sea” Is Not Hate Speech

Platforms like Facebook have no issue with shadow banning and silencing conservative voices.

Yet, when it comes to a phrase that literally calls for the obliteration of Israel and the Jewish people – it’s deemed totally fine.

Talk about a double standard.

To read article, please click here

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