The Seabreeze Beacon

Commissioner Gore Introduces Monthly “Senior Citizens Get Together”


By Gloria Way

  Chambers County Commissioner Pct 1 Jimmy Gore is promoting a monthly “get together” for area senior citizens. Lunch and drinks will be provided at the “get together”. There will be visiting with other seniors, card games, and dominos. “Our seniors need to have something to look forward to,” said Gore. “This monthly luncheon will get them out of the house and have some fun.”

  Kim Silcox, with the commissioner’s office, will provide transportation for those seniors who cannot drive or cannot get a ride. For more information on rides, call 409-296-8250.

  Each month, Winnie Stowell EMS will be on hand to provide blood pressure check and blood sugar tests. Each month a special greeter will be on hand to welcome the attendees.

  The next “get together” will be on July 11, 2024, at the Mark Huddleston Community Building, 924 SH 124 (the old Winnie library). It will be held from 11am to 2pm. The July special greeter will be Celia Devillier, JP Pct. 1.

  Call the commissioner’s office at 409-296-8250 for more information.

Velma McCormick, Willie Mae Larkin, Dale Revia, Sharon Ledoux, Sandy Spears, and Lera Allen


Winnie Stowell EMS were on hand to take blood pressure and blood sugar tests.
Left to right: Kirk Schindler, Steven Hamilton, and Kayla Callesto



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