The Seabreeze Beacon

Rep. Terri Leo Wilson Co-Authors House Bill 3, Ensuring House Support for School Choice in Texas;Highlights House Property Tax Relief Package


Austin, TX – Today, Representative Terri Leo Wilson joined as a co-author of House Bill 3 (HB 3), the Texas  House’s landmark legislation to establish a universal school choice program. With 76 members backing the bill,  the Texas House now has the votes necessary to pass school choice this legislative session, marking a historic  achievement for Texas families seeking greater educational freedom. 

Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement recognizing the significance of this milestone: “For the first time in  our great state’s history, the Texas House has the votes to pass a universal school choice program. This is a  remarkable achievement for the countless parents, students, and educators across Texas who want school choice  expanded to all Texas families. This truly was a team effort. I thank Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker  Burrows, Chairman Creighton, Chairman Buckley, and members of both the Texas House and Senate for  fighting for parents’ right to choose the best education path for their child. This session, Texas will usher in a  new era where families have the opportunity to choose the learning environment that meets the unique needs of  their children.” 

HB 3, authored by Chairman Brad Buckley, allocates $1 billion toward education savings accounts, prioritizing  students from low-income households and those with disabilities. Advocacy groups across Texas have praised  the bill as “one of the strongest school choice bills in our nation’s history.” 

Speaker of the House Dustin Burrows emphasized the bill’s impact, stating, “Building upon the Senate’s  excellent work, HB 3 would create the largest day-one school choice program in American history. Texas  families delivered a clear mandate for passing universal school choice in the November elections, and the Texas  Legislature listened.” 

“House Bill 3 represents a transformational step forward in ensuring every Texas family has the freedom to  choose the best education for their children. Parents, not bureaucracies, should have the ultimate say in their  child’s education. I am proud to co-author this legislation, which prioritizes students, empowers families, and  strengthens our education system for future generations,” said Rep. Leo Wilson.  

House Property Tax Relief Package 

In addition to school choice legislation, the Texas House has introduced a property tax relief package aimed at  reducing the financial burden on homeowners and businesses across the state. Led by Speaker Burrows and  Ways and Means Committee Chairman Morgan Meyer, House Bills 8 and 9 propose significant tax relief  measures. 

Key provisions of the package include:

  • HB 8: Provides an additional 3.31 cents of new, across-the-board rate compression, bringing the total to  10.11 cents by the end of the biennium. 
  • HB 9 and HJR 1: Increases the personal property tax exemption for businesses from $2,500 to  $250,000, marking a nearly 10,000% increase and making it the second-largest exemption of its kind in  the nation. 

Speaker Burrows highlighted the importance of these proposals: “Raising the personal property tax exemption  by nearly 10,000% would be a monumental win for Texas businesses, freeing up funds for business owners to  reinvest in the growth of their companies on top of the potential savings provided by buying down property tax  rates for all property owners statewide.” 

“I have always been and will continue to be a strong advocate for the full elimination of property taxes in  Texas. However, until that goal is achieved, I will support efforts to provide meaningful relief to homeowners  and businesses,” said Rep. Leo Wilson. “The House’s property tax package is a step toward easing the burden  on taxpayers, and I remain committed to fighting for long-term solutions that allow Texans to keep more of  their hard-earned money.” 

With the Texas House moving forward on both school choice and property tax relief, this legislative session  marks a significant step toward providing greater financial and educational opportunities for Texas families. 

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