The Seabreeze Beacon

TX GOP Chairman Visits Chambers County Faithful


By Gloria Way

  About 70 people gathered at the new West Side Community Building in Cove to welcome newly elected Texas GOP Chairman Abraham George last Thursday evening. Chambers County GOP Chairman David Redd welcomed the crowd and Ryan Dagley, Commissioner Pct 4, introduced George.

  George and his family legally migrated to the United States when George was 16 years old.

His story is a testament to the American dream, characterized by hard work, sacrifice, and gratitude, as he champions the interests of Texas and upholds the legacy of freedom and opportunity for all. George lives in Parker, Texas with his wife and children.

  George started his speech with acknowledging the Trump win. “To me, a huge signal the people sent with returning Trump to the presidency is people want to bring back constitutional government, bring back the concept that the people are in charge, that the people rule and govern.” George said that of the 14 counties that border the Mexican border, 12 are now Republican counties. He also stated that in the 2024 election over 1,000,000 Texas voters moved over to the GOP since the previous election.

  He updated the crowd on legislative priorities. George said that he truly believes that one day the property tax will be eliminated. “But to do so, we must lay the groundwork now,” he emphasized. He said the same about school choice. “School choice has been a priority for years,” said George. “The Governor wants it. Again, the groundwork must be done now.” And he affirmed that Texas is a pro-life state and will remain so.

  George discussed the battles within the Republican party itself. He said that a priority for the party leadership is to build a relationship with the Texas House of Representatives to push conservative legislation. He wants closed primaries, which means only Republicans can vote in Republican primaries and Democrats can only vote in Democrat primaries. This way voters of another party cannot influence the outcome of a primary.

  George stressed the importance of candidates who want to run for office as a Republican must pledge to follow the seven principles of the Republican Party. They are (1) individual freedom, (2) limited government, (3) the rule of law, (4) peace through strength, (5) fiscal responsibility, (6) free markets, and (7) human dignity. He also said that he doesn’t feel that every GOP candidate must agree with the Texas GOP platform. “It would be impossible to get a group this size to agree with the entire platform. There are over 360 items in the platform and not everyone is going to agree with all of them. But,” he stressed, all candidates must believe and vow to govern according to the seven principles of the GOP.”

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