The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts February 5, 2025


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

Jesus warned His disciples to beware of hypocrisy, which is play acting like something is true of you but not being truthful. I understand that we try to put on a good front (smile, brush our hair, etc.) as we go through this life, but we do no one any good if we are lying about God. In Luke 12 Jesus goes on to say we need to confess our belief in Him openly, not denying it or we are being hypocrits and He will deny us before the angels. All He is saying is that He will tell the truth about us and so should we. Lying to God will not fool Him. No one but God can see the real us, but what if they could? Don’t hide truth while judging and throwing rocks at others. The Holy Spirit will assist people who are real, but not people who know better but lie. All truth is coming out so get in line with the help that only Jesus can give for our sins.

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