The Seabreeze Beacon

The Leo Club Shines Bright at ECJH


By Gloria Way

  The Leo Club Program is a youth organization within Lions Clubs International that helps young people develop leadership skills. Lions clubs sponsor Leo clubs in their communities. The Winnie Stowell Lions Club is proud to sponsor the 24+ junior high students who have volunteered to serve their community through the Leo Club Program.

  “Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That’s what makes a Leo. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of the incredible Lions International organization. They are devoted young people who realize the power of action. Together, Leos and Lions form a powerful partnership — one of mutual respect where Lions learn from the innovative insights of Leos, and where Leos gain access to the proven strategies of those who’ve successfully served the world for decades.

  How does the Leo Club Program work?

  • Mentorship: Lions mentor young leaders and encourage community service. 
  • Collaboration: Lions and Leos work together on projects, attend club meetings, and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. 
  • Skill development: Leos develop leadership, organization, and social skills. 
  • Community service: Leos give back to their communities. 

  There are a lot of ways people can give back to their community — but being a Leo is much more than just service. Choosing Leo clubs will help you grow as an individual and as a leader as you join a global family of young people, making the world a better place.

  Last week, the WS Lions Club treated the ECJH Leo Club to an ice cream social to welcome them to the club and thank them for their service.

  ECJH Leo Club members are Brooklyn Armentor, Damara Barcenas, Rainey Coffey, Emily Cook, Lily Ellis, Maddox Mouton, Keldon Nelson, David Olalde, Cristofer Olalde, Natalie Padron, Millie Parker, Layton Phend, Urijah Rozean, Christian Otte, Kamile Sparks, Irelynn Milligan, Maddie Fontenot, Riley Arceneaux, Azul Santana, Romina Davila, Xavi Martinez, Camila Hernandez, Cheyenne Cerny, and Madisyn Olivery.

  To join the Leo Club, contact ECJH sixth grade teacher Rene Hearn.

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