The Seabreeze Beacon

Texas House Unveils Two-Step Plan for School Funding & Choice; Rep. Terri Leo Wilson Authors Priority Instructional Materials Legislation


(Austin, TX) – Today, the Texas House of Representatives unveiled a comprehensive package of priority  education bills for the 89th Legislative Session, aiming to enhance public education funding, ensure high quality instructional materials, and expand educational opportunities for Texas families. 

House Bill 100: Ensuring High-Quality Instructional Materials 

Spearheaded by Representative Leo Wilson, House Bill 100 focuses on guaranteeing that school districts  procure instructional materials approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE) that encompass 100% of the  Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). 

“HB 100 ensures that districts are purchasing SBOE-approved instructional materials that contain 100% of the  TEKS,” stated Rep. Leo Wilson. “If our kids are being tested on knowing 100% of the TEKS for their grade  level, then we must ensure that teachers are using instructional materials that will contain 100% of the TEKS.” 

House Bill 2: Investment in Public Education 

Authored by Chairman Brad Buckley, Chairman of the House Public Education Committee, House Bill 2  proposes an investment of nearly $8 billion in Texas public education. Key allocations include: 

  • Basic Allotment Increase: An additional $220 per student, totaling over $3.2 billion.

  • Small/Midsize-District Adjustment: Over $1.1 billion to support smaller districts.

  • Special Education Funding: An infusion of $1.8 billion dedicated to special education services.

  • Targeted Operational Support: More than $1.5 billion for expanding Pre-K, fine arts, high school  career advising, and reducing achievement gaps. 

  • Teacher Compensation: An increase of over $750 million for teacher salaries. 

  • Teacher Training and Preparation: An investment of $450 million to enhance teacher development  programs. 

This bill represents the largest increase in public education funding in Texas history, directly benefiting  classrooms, educators, and students. 

House Bill 3: Empowering Parental Choice and Educational Freedom 

Also introduced by Chairman Buckley, House Bill 3 establishes a $1 billion Education Savings Account (ESA)  program, administered by the Texas Comptroller’s Office. This universal program allows families to utilize state  funds for various educational expenses, including private school tuition, homeschooling materials, dual-credit  courses, industry-based certification training, and more.

The ESA program prioritizes applications from children with disabilities, special learning needs, and those from  low-income households. Eligible students can receive up to $10,000 annually, with special education students  receiving their full state entitlement. Homeschooled students may receive $2,000 for approved expenses. 

A Two-Step Plan: “We Can Do Both” 

Together, House Bills 2 and 3 embody the House’s two-step proposal to simultaneously fund public education  and support parental choice. As Rep. Leo Wilson emphasizes, “We can do both!” 

Additional Priority Bills 

The legislative package also includes other significant bills: 

  • House Bill 4 (Buckley): Aims to repeal the STAAR test and restore the A-F Accountability System,  providing a more comprehensive assessment of student progress. 

  • House Bill 6 (Leach): Empowers teachers with greater authority over classroom conduct, enhancing the  learning environment. 

  • House Bill 123 (Dutton): Focuses on early literacy and mathematics intervention, ensuring students  receive the support needed to succeed academically. 

Collectively, these bills represent a transformative approach to education in Texas, addressing funding, quality,  and choice to benefit all students. 

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