The Seabreeze Beacon

SPVFD Fish/Oyster Fry Fundraiser Huge Success


By Gloria Way

  Hundreds of people gathered at the Smith Point Volunteer Fire Department last Saturday for its annual fish/oyster fry fundraiser. Members of the volunteer fire department fried delicious oysters from Jerri’s Seafood along with shrimp and fish. Well over 350 plates were sold. The ladies auxiliary also baked delicious cakes, fried pies, cupcakes, pies, and cookies for the bake sale which always sells out.

  The highlight of the fundraiser is the auctioneer extraordinaire Randy Royal. Royal has been the auctioneer for years. He brings humor and levity but definitely knows how to bring out competitiveness among bidders. Every item donated to the fundraiser is

  Many thanks to the committee members who work tirelessly to put on the fundraiser. Committee members are Pat Penze, Ann Newton, Jacque White, Kaley Smith, Kaye Setticase, Rudy Neely, Margaret Ellison, Will White, Bill Horton, Damian Plancarte, and Alex Martinez.  Thank you to the Anahuac High School students who volunteered selling raffle tickets and assisting with the auction.

  All funds raised enable the volunteer fire department to purchase necessary equipment and pay for training for its members. Until next year!

Smith Point’s Willis family enjoy the delicious food.
The “Fun” table!
Huge crowd at the SPVFD Fish/Oyster Fry Fundraiser
Auctioneer Randy Royal
State Rep Terri Wilson and husband Dave

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