By Gloria Way
Grace Methodist Men became aware of an elderly Winnie resident who needed to build a new ramp for his home. The disabled gentleman was gifted an electric scooter by his daughter but could not get the scooter into his house. Grace Methodist Men offered to aid the gentleman by building a ramp from his driveway to the doorway of his house.
The group met at Kenny Ortego’s shop and built the new ramp one Saturday. The next Saturday, the group went to the old man’s home and tore up the old ramp and replaced it with the new ramp that could accommodate his new scooter. The man was so happy and thrilled that he now has the mobility to get in and out his house, and outside the house via the scooter. He was so thankful to God and Grace Methodist Men for making his life better.
If you are seeking fellowship, a sense of community, or a faith based “family”, Grace Methodist Church invites you to join the congregation every Sunday at 10am, in the ECHS auditorium. Everyone is welcome.