The Seabreeze Beacon

Measles Health Alert


  Chambers County Public Health continues to monitor the measles outbreak in the South Plains and Panhandle regions of Texas with our Local, Regional, and State Public Health Partners. 

  • At this time, there are no reported cases of measles in Chambers County.
  • Currently there are 9 counties associated with this outbreak, with 124 cases linked to this outbreak since late January. 
    • Most of the cases are in children
    • 18 patients have been hospitalized
    • Today DSHS reported the first death from the measles outbreak
      • School aged child who was unvaccinated, hospitalized last week in Lubbock, and tested positive for measles.
  • Additionally, DSHS has issued a health alert after a person with measles traveled from the outbreak area to San Marcos and San Antonio between February 14-16, before they knew they were infected.  To view public locations they traveled where public exposure may have occurred, visit here


MMR Vaccine Coverage Rates for Chambers County (2023-2024 most current available data)

Among Kindergartners in Chambers County ISD’s: 94.9%

Among 7th Graders in Chambers County ISD’s:  97.75%


*Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles.  The MMR vaccine provides lifelong protection to over 97% of people who received two vaccine doses.

-The recommended MMR vaccine schedule for children in Texas is: one dose at age 12-15 months of age and a second dose at 4-6 years of age.


Recommendations for the Public

  • If you think you have measles or have been exposed to someone with measles, isolate yourself from others and call your healthcare provider before arriving to be tested so they can prepare for your arrival without exposing other people to the virus.
  • Measles is extremely contagious and can cause life-threatening illness to anyone who is not protected against the virus.
  • Review your and your child’s vaccination history to see if you are up to date on your measles vaccines.
  • Additionally, discuss with your provider your vaccination history and any questions about these vaccines.


Chambers County Public Health

102 Airport Road ~ Box 670  |  Anahuac, TX 77514


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