The Seabreeze Beacon

Homegrown Domestic Terrorism


“… off with that (bleep) head …”

By Gloria Way

The Alex Jones Show

   Alex Jones is undoubtedly one of the most infamous radio show host/podcasters in the country. He is famous for conspiracy theories and far right “rants” that reach millions of viewers every week through his radio show, YouTube, InfoWars website, and podcasts.

  Last week, a Winnie student at East Chambers High School, made a TikTok video threatening the life of the President of the United States. This video made the cut of probably tens of thousands of videos sent to Jone to be used by him for airing on his shows. This clip has gone viral over social media and it is safe to say that the student in the video did not send this to Jones but that the video was sent by someone who saw it on social media and was disturbed by its contents.

   From what I have been told by people who have seen the entire video, the video runs for several minutes. Jones edited the video to prove his point of the seriousness of the threat.  “Unhinged Leftist Calls For The Assassination Of Trump, Says Assassin Will Be Pardoned-“

Here is the text:

   “All you (bleep), get your Glocks, switches, and your shies ties (ski masks), we need you right now at the White House …

  We’re not doing that grazing his skin and his ears, okay…we’re going full blown Kennedy, full blown Lincoln right now … like off with the (bleep) head (gesture of cutting head off) …I’m sorry … I know we’re not supposed to wish death upon people (sarcasm) and it doesn’t matter which side they’re on blah, blah, blah, … no, I don’t give a (bleep) any more … you obviously know that cuz that’s why I’m posting this … OFF WITH IT (gesture of cutting head off) … someone get up there … I need someone with precision, that knows what they’re doing … (laughter) I’m going to call up the (inaudible) in Beaumont, Texas because of what is going on … and I don’t know, if maybe if you shot him, the next President will give you a pardon for it … you will be out of jail for it so (video ends).”

ECISD Superintendent Scott Campbell Statemet 

  Apparently, the student who made the threat is still in school at ECHS. ECISD Superintendent Scott Campbell sent out the following statement:

   “We have been informed that a student made a TIKTOK that contained a threat to the President.  The student then deleted it and issued an apology; however, it had already been copied and spread by others.  The Student Code of Conduct is explicit when a student makes a threat toward another student or an employee, either directly or through social media, and disciplinary actions apply and are administered.  When a student makes a threat not involving another student or employee of the school, then the jurisdiction for such threats falls on law enforcement.  The Supreme Court has previously ruled on student postings on social media, and this District’s Code of Conduct, as well as school districts across the nation, reflects the Supreme Court ruling regarding student speech and the boundaries school districts must follow.  Law enforcement agencies are aware of the post, and the district has cooperated fully with their investigations.  We are currently unaware of the final outcomes of these investigations or if they are ongoing, nor do we know the status of any legal consequences from the post.  That would be a matter for law enforcement to address.  As is our usual and customary practice, we will continue to cooperate fully with law enforcement as requested.  We take this moment to remind parents to be aware of what their children post on social media and to intervene when necessary, and to students we remind you that anything you post is permanent.

   I followed up with asking Campbell if ECISD has disciplined the student in any manner and he replied “Thanks for your request.  As you know, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not permit a school district to release student education records, and that includes disciplinary records.  As always, East Chambers ISD follows its Student Code of Conduct, which is rooted in federal law, in determining disciplinary action.

Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne  

   I asked Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne about the status of the threat and he replied,

  “The CCSO turned over all our information over to the Regional Threat Assessment Team in Houston. I received information yesterday that she is going to be interviewed by a couple of members of the team.”

   The Seabreeze Beacon will keep you updated on the situation.

To view the full video:

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