The Seabreeze Beacon

Little Thoughts August 28th, 2024


By Pastor Sammy Little, First Baptist Church of Stowell

Jesus forbids us to judge in the Sermon on the Mount “Judge not, lest you be judged.”(Matthew 7) and most misunderstand what He means. He is not saying not to be making decisions as to what is good or bad (we should/must do that), but we must be discerning with our judgments of others. We are not God, all knowing, all understanding, so be careful as our opinions can boomerang back upon us. We must be seeking God’s truth first of all about ourselves before we decide to straighten out everyone else. They need help but if we are blinded by our sin and ignorance, we can not be of much assistance. Once we concentrate on learning from God He is ready and eager to give it to us; good things that we and others need. In verse 12 we find the Golden rule: Whatever we want others to do for us, do also the same for them. That is judging in the correct way: hearing from God, judging us first, and seeking good for others. Don’t try to judge without those.

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